Monday, July 14, 2008

Its gone Jim!

The emptiness was overpowering. The great void left me by some fool who stripped my identity with a simple snip turned quickly to rage and images of my doing wrong to that fool filled my mind, but this is foolish of me to think I might actually bring that kind of harm to anyone.

Why me? But in an instant I knew my Worksman was gone and it is now in the hands of some fool who probably does not know the historic value of the machine, the last American built bicycle. And I hope that fool peddles quickly because I have notified the Police and with all the advertising hanging off it, it will be hard to miss this bike as it goes by, it even has my cell phone plastered all over it in big letters - just let the fool park my bike somewhere and have someone unkowingly pick up their phone and call me! Ugh..... what a day.

After all these months of parking my bicycle at the train station, my bike has become such a part of my daily routine that I don't know if/how I will be able to cope in the next few days. I guess I will just have to get up an extra 15 minutes earlier and walk to the station rather than gently guide down the hill on my trusty old steed.

I also hope Mr. Fool realizes that the new gear shift cable sitting on my workbench will no longer be a benefit for my bike, and Mr. Fool will soon see that he/she is stuck in second gear. I am glad I didn't get to that chore this weekend (replacing the cable). I also hope soon that Mr. Fool realizes I haven't put air in the tires in a few weeks and that the tires were a little mushy this morning. Also, when Mr. Fool encounters his first hill he will realize that the Worksman is a big heavy bike that is sometimes not too easy to get up a big hill.

Thankfully, I had easy access to the bicycles serial number, and I was able to print a picture of the bike and the advertising signage to give it all to the Police Officer who made out the report documenting the theft of my bike.

I hope it turns up safe.

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