Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Going Dutch!!!!!!

Managing life has gotten in the way of posting much in the blog recently.  Rest assured, I am still riding when  I can.  The side-by-side tandem has had one seat swapped with a large wicker basket so I can bring the dogs along with me when I ride (three small dogs).  The Schwinn Airdyne is getting some mileage, but the statinoary bike is not as fun as riding around the neighborhood and getting the opportunity for a change of scenery and saying hellow to people.

Wow! Comming Soon to our Store in Pelham - Worksman

I am going Dutch!  The photo shows an example of yet another wonderful Worksman bike, their new for 2011 Dutchie, a euro-styled commuter using the time proven Worksman components, and again...Made in the USA.

goHeidi.com (the family business) will be selling the Worksman Dutchie through our retail location on 5th Avenue in Pelham, NY (next to the Pelham Art Center).  You will not be able to miss the bike displayed in our window.  While the photo depicts a red-colored frame, we will be stocking any color you want, only as long as it is black.  O.K. black only in the store for now, however I will gladly special order any color or paint scheme you can come up with - the factory is in Queens, so it will be quick - all we need is a down payment.