Wednesday, June 22, 2005

June 21 - On ride to work, "E" passes "E"

It happened today! I was 2/10 of a mile from the office and I couldn't believe what I saw... an eScooter!

It took me a minute to understand what I was seeing, but as soon as I saw it I knew it was different. This guy was on a Razor-style scooter, he was an adult wearing a helmet, and he was coasting uphill. Uphill? Then I saw how thick the deck was on the thing. No way! An eScooter!

I was lost for words, here I was in the middle of an intersection less than 20 feet from the guy and all I could say was "wow, cool, your "E"". His reply was "I see your fat hub motor too". We continued our separate ways like two ships passing. Will this ever happen again? Will I ever see another "E"? Perhaps this is just the begining, and maybe I will start to see more? I hope so.

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