Thursday, June 02, 2005

The blog starts - why

I am a forty-two year old Environmental Scientist, father of two, and husband to one. I have travelled far, but home has always been within a three mile radius of Pelham Manor, NY in southern Westchester County, approximately 20 miles from the center of New York City.

During the past 20 years I have worked in the port and highway construction, and utility industries assuring companies and workers be safe and comply with environmental regualtions.

(Trying) to practice what I preach and leave a green foot print on our planet, from 1987 to 1995 my primary mode of commuting was by bicycle. Children, work location, and many other stressors relating to getting older and being burdened with more responsibilities limited my bike commuting to a few cerimonious times a year. So, between mid-1995 until the spring of 2004 my bikes got dusty, my kids got older, I gained almost 60 pound, and grew 10 inches rounder.

2004 was a banner year, the price of gasoline rose past $2.00 per gallon and our nation was at war because of how our energy policies have comprimised our national security. In an act of civil disobedience, last summer I resumed bicycle commuting and averaged bicycling to work 1 day a week [There is a little more to this than meets the eye because I have an alternative schedule where I work a rotating 12 hour shift schedule reducing the number of days I work per year to about 180, or only 1/2 a year].

My Ambitions for 2005 are higher (as are gasoline prices - locally $2.25 per gallon). I have invested in a fairing for my recumbent to help on the not so nice days, and I have converted my mountain bike into a hybred urban commuting machine. I have 56 work days between now and October 1st where I can bike to work. My goal is to bike commute 75% of those days (42 days).

So, here starts my Google bike commuting blog to document (log) and share my bike commuting experience(s). A previous log can be found here:

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