Thursday, September 15, 2005

September 15th - Cold Beer (in the morning)!!!!!!

What a night at work. A bag of popcorn in an unauthorized microwave caused the fire alarm to go off and the building had to be evacuated. The sirens were tested at the local nuke plant, but most people didn't know about the test and thought there was a meltdown in progress - I got those calls. Some member of the public shot a blow-gun dart into a sensative piece of equipment. And, I could go on, and on, and on, etc.

As I sit writing the blog, I am glad to say it is pouring rain outside. I made it home without getting rained on and soaked. At 5:55 AM it was dark and humid, but no rain. [I need to think about getting some serious rain gear if I am going to keep this up.]

Now for the beer part, when I got home (at 6:25 AM) I found the bottom shelf of the refridgerator fill with very cold Budwweiser! Awesome. It's now 7:13 AM and I am on my third! Catching a buz in the morning (after working all night long) is great! I guess today is a bad day to want to walk the kids to school - what will the other children's parents think? Ha! Who cares! The beer is ice cold!

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