Wednesday, September 14, 2005

September 14th - One more night to go.

Working nights is unnatural. My bio-clock will now be toppsie turrvie for the next 4 days. However, the exercise I am getting e-bike commuting to work really helps keep my energy level up.

The night before last I read the New York State Motor Vehicle Laws (it was a slow night). Much to my surprise, electric-assist bicycles are not allowed to be opperated on public roads in New York State. There is a bill the State Assemble passed and moved onto the State Senate that will change the definiation of an electric-assist bicycle (whose primary propulsion is human power) to be a bicycle that will in essence remove prohabition for their use on public roadways. What a bummer, it is no wonder why more people don't ride electric-assist bicycles - it's against the law. Go figure.

Well, my noncompliance with the law will willfully continue. I just hope the Assembly Bill dosen't die a misserable death in the Senate Transportation Committee.

I am already setting my sights on the spring and new batteries. I am thinking about swapping to NiMH and upping the voltage to 48 volts, this change shall add some pazzaz to the ride. I brushless motor would also be a good thing, but I need a big tax return, or higher gasoline prices to justify the payback period.

I am also thinking about new panniers, or other type of load carrying devices. I have corrugated plastic that I might try my own design. I also am thinking I can zip-tie a plastic crate, or small garbage can to my Blackburn rack - I could do the same with old picnic baskets for a cool retro-style look.

The ride to and from work was descent, however it was a little warm yesterday and a little humid this morning. Now that I am home, it is a good time to take a quick shower.

Still no Blogging from work.

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