Saturday, June 04, 2005


$15.42, the amount of money I did not spent this week because I commuted by bike/trike.

Because the charger pooped-out on the ebike, tonight I commuted on the EZ-3.

Because my commute is about 60% rolling coastal hills and 40% flat, 30% of the trip is down hill and awesome to fly down on a faired trike. I still get the "silly-bike" looks, but I know I am leaving a green tread mark.

Scary moment happened on the ride in. At a intersection in the middle of Larchmont, NY, between the Starbucks and the Gormet coffee shop that are next to the deli where the "real people" buy their coffee, a young women driving a larger than large SUV was trying to make an unlawful u-turn ("ill eagle" is a sick bird - so say my daughters). Well she saw me, let me pass, but as I was right in front of her - inches from her bumper - she hits the gas peddle! I shouted "hey lady", and in her cute little suburban voice said "oh, I would never hit you" - Yeh right! I guess perspective is every thing [she should be driving a twike].

I have set my bike-commute goals for the summer (through September). I am scheduled to work 60 days between now and then. My goal is to bike commute 70% of the time (or better), or 42+ days. I have already bike commuted 6 days. I am at 14.3% of my goal.

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